Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New Job?


I went for a new job a couple of weeks ago, it was in the Skills Team which is part of the Education Enhancement department here at the university. It was a bit more money and up at the main campus. I attended the interview porcess and gave a couple of presentations plugging my experience as a web developer. However, I did get the impression after a while that it wasn;t technical know-how they were after, but rather more experience of training and university diplomacy.

SO, I didn't get it, which is all well and good because I was seriously considering turning it down had I been offered the job (honest!). The interview panel seemed to think that investing time and money in advanced e-learning techniques wasn't justifiable where I think that Exeter should be at the forefont of e-learning...it's what students expect nowadays and I wouldn't be content just throwing stuff up onto WebCT so I could tick a box. That's not how I work.

So, the best result for everyone I think. I've always been happy in ELaC at St Lukes and I'll be here for a while yet. We do cutting edge web development here. Why did I ever think the grass was greener?


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