Well, quite a lot of courses are beginning...that's what I mean!
Busy getting modules ready on WebCT for the new semester which starts on 2nd Feb. I'm tutoring 4 more distance learning modules in the 2nd semester but, ore excitingly, presenting some lectures on CSS and Javascript for the Web Design module run ovber on the main site by the CMIT team. These should be in mid March so more on that later.
After being ill before Christmas I had quite a lot of catching up to do but I'm nearly there now, although we're meant to be going down to Cornwall next week to chat to various organisations about web projects...although I haven't had much time to look at these lately. Still, should be a good shove in the right direction once WebCT has been fully refreshed.
Attended a seiminar for IT Mentoring with the OU last week up in Taunton. The idea here is that new Associate Lecturers may need help with the ETMA system (electronic system for submitting and returning assignments) so I've volunteered to help out. You get paid for it too so we'll see what happens.
As always, it's pretty mental here. Just finished a round of marking for Exeter and now got my nose back on the grindstone with WebCT. Then back to project work and research into using Moodle.
Go, go, go!