Friday, November 21, 2008

Busy, busy, busy!

Hi there!

Here's what I've been up to over the past couple of months...

MA Archaeology & Sustainable Development:

This is a new MA which requires 8 or 9 online modules, one of which I have just finished today. It involved scanning approximately 60 articles of varying length (10-100+ pages) which took ages.


I'm invigilating the ECDL exams again but alas, no Talking Technology this yerar due to falling student numbers. The culprit is the new student module booking system which means that students book their modules easily online and so don;t come round to CMIT to talk to us!

Distance Learning

Student numbers have dropped here too but I'm still currently tutoring the Beginning Java and Progrmaming with VB.Net modules.

Royal Albert Memorial Museum

Tony at the RAMM has asked for a new website on the recent Beauty exhibition. SHould get underway with this soon

Geevor Infomine

Just about finished the infomine and now ready to move onto the e-leanring site. Oh yes...there's more!

So, lots of balls in the air at the moment. On the fun side, I donned a pink wig and raised money for Breast Cancer Awareness last month and am looking forward to our Christmas party in December.

Until then though...more work!

Bye for now
